The family of amphibole asbestos includes: amosite (fibrous variety of grunerite), crocidolite (fibrous variety of riebeckite), fibrous actinolite, fibrous anthophyllite and fibrous tremolite 1,2,3.
The other three amphibole varieties, anthophyllite asbestos, actinolite asbestos, and ... fibers belong to two mineral groups: serpentines and amphiboles. The serpentine group contains a single asbestiform variety: ... in the Ural Mountains. The use of asbestos fibers on a true industrial scale began in Italy early in the nineteenth century ...
The mountains were named after the asbestos which was mined in the 20th century and is found as a variety of amphibole called crocidolite.Veins occur in slaty rocks, and are associated with jasper and quartzite rich in magnetite and brown iron-ore. Geologically it belongs to the Griquatown series. [citation needed]The Griquas, for whom Griquatown was named, were a Khoikhoi people who in 1800 ...
The amphibole variety found in the Asbestos Mountains is known as crocidolite, which is a fibrous variety of riebeckite. Source.
Which minerals are common in crustal rocks like granite that generate hydrogen?
Which minerals were discovered by John L. Jambor throughout his career?
How is serpentine formed from olivine, water, and carbonic acid?
What are some of the health conditions caused by exposure to asbestos fibers?