Toei Animation is one of the most influential anime studios, known for producing several iconic and beloved series. Here are some notable anime series produced by Toei Animation:
Dragon Ball Z: This legendary series aired from 1989 to 1996 and is a cornerstone of the shōnen genre, known for its exciting martial arts and epic battles source.
One Piece: Since its debut, One Piece has captivated audiences with its adventurous tales, maintaining a massive fan base for over two decades source.
Sailor Moon: This magical girl series became a cultural phenomenon, widely recognized for its strong female protagonists and empowering storylines source.
Digimon Adventure: A counterpart to Pokémon, Digimon brought a different flavor of digital monster battles and became a favorite for many children in the late '90s and early 2000s.
Galaxy Express 999: Known for its philosophical depth and emotional storytelling, this series left a lasting impact on the science fiction genre in anime.
These series are just a few examples from Toei Animation's vast portfolio, which has significantly shaped the anime industry and popular culture worldwide.