The London Government Act 1963 classified the London boroughs into two main groups: Inner London and Outer London. According to the Act, there were 12 Inner London boroughs and 20 Outer London boroughs, with the City of London and its corporation remaining essentially unreformed by the legislation. This classification aimed to streamline local government and administrative structures within the newly formed Greater London area. Here is a visual representation of how the boroughs were classified under the Act: . This map provides a clear划分 of the Inner and Outer London boroughs as established by the Act.
Which artist recorded a popular 1963 cover of 'Frosty the Snowman'?
Which areas were constituent parts of Greater London before the 1963 reforms?
How did the London Government Act of 1963 affect educational governance in London?
What role did Mathew Ahmann play in the 1963 March on Washington?
Which nation ranked second in the medal table of the 1985 Championships?
What role did Mathew Ahmann play in the March on Washington in 1963?
Which boroughs were abolished or transferred by the London Government Act of 1963?
What changes were made to the Metropolitan Police District under the 1963 Act?
Which Middlesex districts were transferred to Hertfordshire by the London Government Act 1963?