How did the different Gospel accounts portray Jesus' healing of Jairus' daughter?

OpenAI's Answer

The healing of Jairus' daughter is a significant event recorded in the Synoptic Gospels: Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Each Gospel presents this miracle with unique details and emphases, reflecting the authors' theological intentions and audiences. Here’s a breakdown of how each Gospel portrays this event:

1. Mark 5:21-43

  • Detailed Narrative: Mark provides the most detailed account of the healing. He describes Jairus as a synagogue leader who approaches Jesus, pleading for his daughter, who is at the point of death.
  • Interruption by the Woman with a Hemorrhage: While Jesus is on his way to Jairus' house, he is interrupted by a woman who touches his cloak, believing that this will heal her. This interruption highlights Jesus' compassion and the theme of faith.
  • Emphasis on Faith: After the woman is healed, Jesus reassures Jairus not to fear but to believe. This underscores the importance of faith in receiving healing.
  • Resurrection: When Jesus arrives at Jairus' house, he finds mourners already present. He tells them the girl is not dead but asleep, which emphasizes his authority over death. He then takes the girl by the hand and commands her to rise, and she does.

2. Matthew 9:18-26

  • Concise Account: Matthew’s account is shorter and less detailed than Mark’s. He also includes the story of the woman with the hemorrhage but presents it more briefly.
  • Focus on Jesus' Authority: Matthew emphasizes Jesus' authority and power, portraying him as a figure who can command life and death.
  • Use of the Term "Dead": Matthew states that the girl is dead, while Mark uses the term "asleep." This difference may reflect Matthew's intention to affirm Jesus' power over death directly.
  • Immediate Healing: The narrative moves quickly from Jairus' request to the healing, emphasizing the immediacy of Jesus' power.

3. Luke 8:40-56

  • Compassionate Healer: Luke, a physician, emphasizes Jesus' compassion and the emotional aspects of the story. He notes the crowd's reaction and the mourning of the family.
  • Details of the Mourning: Luke includes the detail that the mourners laughed at Jesus when he said the girl was not dead but asleep, highlighting the disbelief surrounding Jesus' authority.
  • Faith and Healing: Similar to Mark, Luke emphasizes the importance of faith, as Jesus tells Jairus not to fear but to believe.
  • Restoration: Luke describes the moment of healing with a focus on the girl's restoration to life, emphasizing the miraculous nature of the event.


While all three Gospel accounts share the core elements of Jairus' plea, the healing of his daughter, and the interruption by the woman with a hemorrhage, they each bring unique perspectives. Mark provides a detailed narrative with a strong emphasis on faith, Matthew focuses on Jesus' authority, and Luke highlights compassion and the emotional context of the miracle. Together, these accounts enrich the understanding of Jesus' ministry and his power over life and death.

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