Toei Animation has produced several popular series that began in the 2000s. Here are some notable ones:
One Piece (1999-present) - Although it started in 1999, it gained massive popularity in the 2000s, becoming one of the longest-running and most successful anime series worldwide.
Dragon Ball Z Kai (2009-2015) - This remastered version of the original Dragon Ball Z series features updated animation and pacing, making it appealing for new audiences while still catering to long-time fans.
Digimon Adventure 02 (2000-2001) - Following the original Digimon Adventure, this sequel continues the story of the DigiDestined and introduces new characters and Digimon.
Zatch Bell! (2003-2006) - Known in Japan as "Konjiki no Gash!!", this series follows a young boy and his magical partner as they battle other Mamodo in a fight to become the king of the Mamodo world.
One Piece Movie: The Desert Princess and the Pirates (2007) - Although technically a movie, it is part of the One Piece franchise that gained significant traction during the 2000s.
Toriko (2011-2018) - This series follows a gourmet hunter on his quest to find the most delicious and rare ingredients, blending adventure with culinary themes.
Sailor Moon Crystal (2014-2016) - A reboot of the classic Sailor Moon series, this version is more faithful to the original manga and features updated animation.
These series reflect Toei Animation's diverse offerings during the 2000s, catering to various audiences and genres. For more detailed information on each series, you can explore dedicated anime databases like MyAnimeList or AniList.