The Devil Wears Prada released their third studio album, "With Roots Above and Branches Below", on May 5, 2009.
Here is the album cover:
For further details, you can check out the Genius page for the album.
When was the album 'With Roots Above and Branches Below' released?
Which former member of The Devil Wears Prada was the drummer until 2016?
Who is the current lead vocalist for The Devil Wears Prada?
What is the name of The Devil Wears Prada's seventh studio album?
Which album did The Devil Wears Prada announce on July 18, 2016?
Which single did The Devil Wears Prada release on September 27, 2019?
How did With Roots Above and Branches Below perform on the Billboard 200?
What is the historical importance of South Branch House near St. Louis, Saskatchewan?
Where are some of the international Fo Guang Shan temple branches located?