In the reboot of the Rugrats series, Betty DeVille's character has undergone significant changes compared to the original. She is now portrayed as a lesbian single mother, running a coffee shop, which is a substantial departure from her previous depiction as part of a heterosexual couple with her husband Howard. This change has been made to better represent the diversity of modern families and to resonate with contemporary audiences. The reboot also features voice actress Natalie Morales, who is openly queer, further emphasizing the character's LGBTQ+ representation. While some fans have appreciated this update for its inclusivity, others have criticized it as unnecessary, arguing that the original portrayal of Betty as a strong, straightforward woman with a loving relationship with her husband was equally valuable. Overall, the character modification aims to align the show more closely with current societal values and demographics, as noted in sources like Screen Rant and Newsweek.
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