Einarr's poetic verses played a significant role in the saga writers' accounts of his life by providing a rich source of information and a unique perspective on historical events. These verses served as a basis for saga composition and interpretation, often standing alone in Old Norse literature due to their unique nature. Saga authors used these verses to authenticate their accounts, corroborating details with the exact words used by historical figures like Hamðir, as mentioned in the Prosimetrum Form 2: Verses as Basis for Saga Composition and Interpretation De Gruyter. The poetry also helped to memorialize the agonistic nature of skaldic poetry in the creation of textual communities, as indicated in the study on the contest of verse-making in Old Norse-Icelandic skaldic poetry University of Toronto. Furthermore, the verses provided a voice to historical figures, allowing them to look back on their martial deeds and recall the fame they acquired, as seen in Skúli's verse in Creating Tradition: The Use of Skaldic Verse in Old Norse Literature Fordham University Press. Overall, Einarr's poetic verses were integral to the saga writers' accounts, offering a deeper understanding of the historical context and人物 involved.
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