Toei Animation produced several anime series during the 1980s. Some of the notable series from this period include:
Saint Seiya (1986) - An action anime based on Greek mythology. This series is one of the most iconic and popular from Toei Animation during the 1980s source.
Dragon Ball (1986) - A foundational anime series that follows the adventures of Goku as he hunts for the Dragon Balls. It became one of Toei Animation’s most famous series.
Sailor Moon - Although it started airing in 1992, the 1980s were significant in the development phases of the magical girl genre, paving the way for its success.
Creamy Mami, the Magic Angel (1983) - Although not directly made by Toei Animation, the magical girl genre was significant during the period leading into the 90s' success for Toei.
These series were part of the rich tapestry of 1980s anime, helping to define the genre's global expansion.
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