What awards and honors were given to John L. Jambor?

OpenAI's Answer

John L. Jambor, a notable figure in mineralogy, received numerous awards and honors throughout his career. Here are some of the significant recognitions he received:

  1. Hawley Award (1970) - awarded by the Mineralogical Association of Canada (MAC).
  2. Berry Medal (1992) - also awarded by MAC.
  3. Barlow Medal - awarded by the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM).
  4. Julian Boldy Memorial Award - another award from CIM.
  5. Queen's Silver Jubilee Medal (1977) - awarded in recognition of his contributions to mineralogy.
  6. Honorary Life Membership from MAC (1982).

You can find more detailed information about his awards and honors on the CIM website here: CIM - John L. Jambor.

John L. Jambor

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