Between 1984 and 1991, Jaak Aab worked as a teacher in Ala and Võhma, Estonia. This information is verified from the following sources:
Here is an image of Jaak Aab from Wikipedia:
Which nation ranked second in the medal table of the 1985 Championships?
Who is a renowned filmmaker that received recognition in the year 1984?
What previously unissued track received some radio play in 1984?
Which park first opened the Looping Starship ride in 1984?
What is the composition and significance of the mineral franconite discovered in 1984?
How to find the statistical report on the 1984 general election in India?
What were the key reasons behind the 1980 and 1984 Olympic boycotts?
What were the consequences of the 1984 Soviet-led boycott on the Los Angeles Olympics?
What was the nature of healthcare reforms introduced between 1984 and 1993?