The portrayal of Einarr in the sagas differs from historical accounts in several ways. Sagas often blend historical facts with legendary elements and creative storytelling. For instance, Einarr's rise to power is related in sagas which apparently draw on verses of Einarr's own, suggesting a mix of personal and embellished accounts Torf-Einarr - Wikipedia. Sagas may also adapt motifs and story-patterns from other sources, such as romans courtois, indicating a divergence from strict historical records History or fiction? Truth-claims and defensive narrators in Icelandic.... Furthermore, sagas can shape historical events to reflect the society's values and norms of the time they were written, rather than providing an objective historical account Social Memory and the Sagas: The Case of "Egils saga" - jstor. Therefore, while sagas offer insights into the historical context and social issues of the period, their portrayal of figures like Einarr is subject to literary and cultural influences that may differ from what historical records might reveal.
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