What are some examples of era names during the Edo period in Japan?

OpenAI's Answer

During the Edo period in Japan, which lasted from 1603 to 1868, era names or "nengō" (年号) were used to mark specific periods. Here are some examples of era names from this period:

  1. Keichō (慶長): 1596-1615
  2. Genna (元和): 1615-1624
  3. Kan'ei (寛永): 1624-1644
  4. Shōhō (正保): 1644-1648
  5. Keian (慶安): 1648-1652
  6. Jōō (承応): 1652-1655
  7. Meireki (明暦): 1655-1658
  8. Manji (万治): 1658-1661
  9. Kanbun (寛文): 1661-1673
  10. Enpō (延宝): 1673-1681
  11. Tenna (天和): 1681-1684
  12. Jōkyō (貞享): 1684-1688
  13. Genroku (元禄): 1688-1704
  14. Hōei (宝永): 1704-1711
  15. Shōtoku (正徳): 1711-1716
  16. Kyōhō (享保): 1716-1736
  17. Genbun (元文): 1736-1741
  18. Kanpō (寛保): 1741-1744
  19. Enkyō (延享): 1744-1748
  20. Kan'en (寛延): 1748-1751
  21. Hōreki (宝暦): 1751-1764
  22. Meiwa (明和): 1764-1772
  23. An'ei (安永): 1772-1781
  24. Tenmei (天明): 1781-1789
  25. Kansei (寛政): 1789-1801
  26. Kyōwa (享和): 1801-1804
  27. Bunka (文化): 1804-1818
  28. Bunsei (文政): 1818-1830
  29. Tenpō (天保): 1830-1844
  30. Kōka (弘化): 1844-1848
  31. Kaei (嘉永): 1848-1854
  32. Ansei (安政): 1854-1860
  33. Man'en (万延): 1860-1861
  34. Bunkyū (文久): 1861-1864
  35. Genji (元治): 1864-1865
  36. Keiō (慶応): 1865-1868

These names were used to denote periods during the reign of the emperor and often reflected the political, social, or cultural aspirations of the time.

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